PRIVE Prive Health Hair

Hair Transplantation with Sapphire Technique

PRIVE Prive Health Hair

FUE Hair Transplantation

PRIVE Prive Health Hair

Mustache Transplantation Eyebrow

prive clinic Prive Health Hair

10 Years of Experience

We will continue to offer our hair transplantation service, which we have been offering to our patients "with expert hands with successful results" for more than 10 years, to our patients from all over the world, under the umbrella of Prive Hair, in a much stronger way.

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Hair Transplant

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Eyebrow Transplant

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Hair Mesotherapy

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Hair Transplant Methods

FUE Hair Transplantation

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) 2002 has been implemented since 2002. This method, is based on the principle of collecting the hair follicles in the nape region with the help of micro motor without creating incision...

Hair Transplantation with Sapphire Method

Sapphire blade, is the name given to special blades used in the “grooving” stage, which is the most important in hair transplantation and has a direct effect on the result. Specially designed sapphire tipped, blades are used in hair...

DHI (Direct Hair Implant)

Grafts containing single or multiple hair follicles are started to be collected from the donor area of ​​the patient either by micro motor or manually. At this stage, Choi comes into play. The collected hair roots are placed...

Unshaved Hair Transplantation

Unshaved hair transplantation; It is an alternative method especially for people who are considered, who are recognized, who have a continuous meeting, interview and presentation and want to return...

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Current Articles & Innovations

Prive Hair

Painless Hair

Hair transplantation is a research, they certainly do before people interested in the operation and several video monitors on. Visually, it's a lot of agreement are beyond, I suppose I understand the sentiment of the operation is one of the most curious subject. In this text, comes to mind thinking of taking the hair transplant operation "it is painful operations m? "We will try to give an answer...

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Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment and Hair Loss, As a result of damage due to many causes of hair follicles is comprised in, It can be many causes of this loss. for example: Genetic (heritable) outpouring, iron deficiency, breaking hair, severe illness and fever, irregular eating, pregnancy, pellagra, menopause, cancer, such as stress and psychological disorders. Even the name of the wrong treatment methods used to prevent hair loss…

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Nutrition After Hair Transplant

Once a person decide to undergo hair transplantation itself, both physically and psychologically starts to prepare for operations. people in this process, usually getting more detailed information about hair transplant, Tries to find the best hair transplant center. For the success of the plantation center operations will directly affect you choose...

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